(770) 655-6010 hiramaesthetics@gmail.com

Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber – $15

A mechanical form of exfoliation. It removes dead skin cells, gives the skin a smooth and youthful appearance, and stimulates improved blood flow. It is great because it can clear clogged pores, sebum, and blackheads. This is a less evasive form of Microdermabrasion.

L.E.D – $10

Red: Stimulates production of collagen, help with fine lines, firm and smooth completion. Blue: helps kill bacteria that causes acne. Green: balance color pigment, reduce fine lines, lightens scars, improve aging skin. Yellow: improve rough skin, wrinkles, and reduces skin redness. White: Penetrates the sin deep to accelerate tissue metabolism, reduce color spots, improve the appearance of fine lines. 15 Mins.

Foot Scrub – $20

Exfoliation, mask and massage

High Frequency – $10

A skin care treatment used to help treat and prevent stubborn acne, shrink enlarged pores, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes, fade dark eye circles, and rejuvenate the condition of scalp and nourish hair follicles for healthier hair.

Retexturizing – $65